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Hitachi Sofia 3D Ultrasound

Sofia 3D Whole Breast Ultrasound

Sofia is designed as an adjunct to mammography for dense breast patients. The Sofia 3D Breast Ultrasound system uses a unique scanning approach to solve the economic and logistic challenges associated with whole breast ultrasound by obtaining a high-resolution volume of an entire breast in a matter of seconds.

40% of the women who have mammograms have mammographically dense breasts. Studies have shown that mammography is significantly less accurate in this subset of women. Combining screening mammography with 3D whole breast ultrasound increases the ability to detect breast cancer from 78% to 92%.


A screening mammogram is the first avenue of breast health annually. Using an x-ray, pictures or images are taken of each breast. The x-ray images often make it possible to detect tumors that cannot be felt. Micro-calcifications can also be found through screening mammograms. Interference from dense tissue may present problems differentiating fibroglandular tissue from tumors.

3D Whole Breast Ultrasound with Sofia

Hitachi’s SOFIA provides 3D supplemental imaging, designed to improve a woman’s breast health. Exams are performed quickly and comfortably in a private spa-like setting.

This imaging technology is designed for the 40% of women with dense breast tissue. It utilizes ultrasound to scan the entire breast while the patient lays in a comfortable prone position. There is no breast compression or radiation associated with this procedure, and only takes 30 seconds per breast. Studies have shown that ultrasound significantly increased detection of clinically important, small, largely invasive node-negative cancers.

Sofia Comfort

  • Easy and efficient
  • 30 second scan time per breast
  • No compression
  • Remain covered during the entire exam
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